Monday, October 11, 2010

Online Ad

Sex sells pretty much everything, and this “Colt 45” advertisement proves it. At first glance the women in her bikini was the first thing that stood out to me, then I was interested by the classic colt 45 cans, next the board game “Bottoms up” and I instantly I assumed the ad was not only trying to be sexy but funny, but after doing a little research I found out that “Bottoms Up” was a real board game that Colt 45 came up with. From what I found it was an adult drinking game with actions cards such as, “Obey any wish or request of the player on your right.” And “Explain to other players why you think that sex before marriage is a necessity” which fun but, apparently male players should play full dressed while female players should play in there bikinis, which clearly makes this ad appeal to men.

The desire this ad it appealing to is the desire of adventure and sex. This photo accomplish that by using the beautiful women playing adult board game while having a beer with a fully clothed man, and the desire for adventure comes into play because the board game they are play is a very sexual. And the warrant this ad is making that if you drink Colt 45 you can be playing sexual adult games with women in bikinis.

This ad’s intended audience for this ad is men and possibly women but mainly targeted towards men from ages of 16-25 years old. I say this because they are playing a board game, which is usually a thing younger people do, even though the game is intended for adults, it appealing to both older and younger audiences.
